Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Distance Selling Regulations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Distance Selling Regulations - Essay Example below this provision, consumers get a cooling-off period of seven working days. This paper will explore the factors associated with distance securities industrying regulations. It will also examine how consumer electronic sales can be promoted using e-commerce techniques. The term consumer electronics got popularity in the early 20th century. It refers to all electronic devices that atomic number 18 beneficial for everyday use (Consumer electronics). Personal computers, television, and MP3 players are some examples of consumer electronic products. In the modern technological world, consumer electronics sales grow rapidly as muckle largely depend on electronic equipments in day to day life. In the opinion of analysts from the Consumer Electronics association (as cited in McGrath, 2011), the consumer electronic sales may approach even top of $1 trillion. The increased market demand for consumer electronic products has led to the emergen ce of large numbers of multinational companies which deal with consumer electronics products. At this juncture, strategical changes in production and distribution of these products have become essential so as to govern the market. harmonize to Burnett (n.d.), it is suggestible for the consumer electronics vendors to adopt some innovative sales promotion techniques such as price deals, contests, and sweepstakes.
Monday, April 29, 2019
Why Do Earthquakes Occur Near Tectonic Plate Boundaries Essay
Why Do Earthquakes Occur Near Tectonic Plate Boundaries - Essay causeThe hot plumes create volcanoes, while the jerky action of the movement results in seismic waves that create an earthquake. The volcanic lava flowing to the surface creates islands such as the Hawaiian Islands.Figure 2 illustrates the seismic activeness that takes sic when two continental plates collide. The lithosphere floats on the asthenosphere. The lithosphere has broken up the earths crust into ten study Figure 2 (US geologic Survey) tectonic plates. Here we see one of the crustal plates being forced graduatestairs the other, producing earthquakes. A mountain range is produced at the plate boundaries as the rock formations are deformed and locomote upward by the action of the shifting plates. Some of the rocks in the mountains may have been set down in an ocean environment that existed between the two continental crusts prior to collision.Figure 3 shows the boundaries of the major tectonic plates. As th ese plates shift over time, earthquakes occur at the point of collision. As can be seen on this map, the boundaries are the most earthquake prone areas on earth. This Figure 3 (US Geological Survey) includes the calcium coast, Japan, andThe destruction and number of deaths caused by earthquakes is proportional to the magnitude of the earthquake. Measured on the Richter scale from 1 to 10, each(prenominal) successive number is 10x the magnitude of the previous number. A magnitude 7 is 10 times stronger than a magnitude 6, and a magnitude 8 is 100 times stronger than a magnitude 6. Obviously a stronger earthquake is capable of more destruction. More deaths will generally occur when the earthquake hits a commonwealth center. However, there have been innovations in the last 100 years that have helped minimize the destruction and rivet the death toll.Understanding plate tectonics and mapping the world to reveal major fault lines has guide to improved building construction around the world. The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) conducts research and presents programs of everyday education. They have also developed standards for the safe design and construction of buildings and other structures. One major change to the Uniform Building Code involves a structure which is supported by a number of kick pads that are located at the base of the building and the foundation. As the earths crust moves in one direction, the pads themselves make the vibration and the building essentially remains stationary. Japan and California face similar seismic activity and geological threats. Experts from these areas have been world leaders in developing safer construction methods and stricter building codes. These techniques have resulted in more earthquake resistant structures in public schools, bridges, hospitals, and dams.Works CitedEarthquake Hazards Program. 24 Oct. 2006. US Geological Service. 13 Dec. 2006 .National Earthquak
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Fingerprinting Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Fingerprinting Paper - Essay Exampleterized, the most useful identification systems must not necessarily be biological or biogenic but could also entail doctrinal tied identities affiliated to ones banking activities, inter issue travel and international communication. These facets have a higher pedigree for our nuance (Jain et al., 1997). In this regard, the most fronted identifications entail vehicle logbooks, residence permits, passport poem, visas, driving licenses and personal international numbers (PINs).In future, the need to have tied fingerprinting with other more(prenominal) advanced computerized identification corroboration will be more meaningful (Lewis, 2001 Hong & Jain, 1998). For instance, the PRADO project launched by the Council of the European Union to register entirely travel and identity credentials within the region is just an example of databases could aid in get out and more meaningful identification and recording on personal activity (Jain, Bolle & Pan kanti, 1999). In conclusion, codes like national access codes, personal identification numbers and other secretly encrypted coding systems expertness be more useful than merely having fingerprint data. Biogenic data that encompass a number of biological descriptions including meat characteristics, blood groups and other hormonal mechanisms will be better options to replace the traditional fingerprinting technologies that might become obsolete with increasing global technological
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes - Essay ExampleThe point is that Bacon considered the domain as perceptional, empirical thing, thats why the only knowledge that can be reliable for macrocosm is the perceptional one. Rational thinking only processes the empirical information. Descartes method or rational analysis of deduction is nearly thinking only. Descartes claims that any knowledge that we get must be questioned by doubt not to reconcile wrong and mistaken information for truth. By deduction Descartes means analyzing the reality by finding the most elementary truth, which lately will lead to some bigger truth and this consistent order of look for must reveal the origins of everything. But the main rule in this inquiry is to be sceptical, because only skeptical approach can discern wrong and truthful knowledge and select the appropriate one to scarper on in exploration. Bacons and Descartes methods are obviously totally different, because the fundamentals the thinkers use in their approaches are considered to be opposite. Descartes uses rational thinking and doubt-based analysis, while Bacon claims that the only thing researcher can rely on is empirical knowledge. Both Lockes and Hobbes political theories are based on the concept of social organisation (contract). But the main essential difference between the roles of government in these theories is in their opposite views on basis of society Hobbes claims that society is based on feud of pile with each other, when Locke says that it is equality what makes people to conclude social agreement.
Friday, April 26, 2019
The PROS and CONS ofImplantingInformation Chips in Humans Essay
The PROS and CONS ofImplantingInformation Chips in Humans - Essay ExampleDue to reason, some(prenominal) eras has come in healthcare practice to improve the medical checkup record system of tolerants to the highest logical point. As the debate rages on how medical record system can be improved, scientists begin been swift in incorporating technology into the whole system. With some affaire that started with the need to switch from paper records of patients to computer database software in keeping records of patients, we like a shot have proposals on implanting chips in people to keep their medical records. The finesse is known as the implantable medical ID. Stein (2004) explains that the device is a microchip that can be implanted under the skin to ground doctors instant access to a patients records. Already, the proposal to implement the implantable medical records has won government approval. For now, the best thing to do is to continue detain on the pros and cons of the dev ice and technology to come to a logical shutdown on whether or not the system would be helpful in the discharge of medical duties. Pros Already, at that place are health gurus who have approved of the use of the implantable medical ID and have started using them already. ... Therefore if at that place is the need to switch hospital at any point in time or belong inter-state, the records of the user will be ready as and when they are needed. The second point has to do with the gumshoe of the system. Clearly, papers get burn or soaked with water and computer software gets corrupted or crashed. Any of these situations temper with the safety of records. With the implantable medical ID however, the records remain intact as long as the patient is alive. Yet again, the implantable medical ID is very reliable in emergency situations. Indeed medical emergencies come unannounced and therefore make the need to going to get a persons records in propagation of medical emergencies very diff icult. With the implantable medical ID however, a patient does not have to worry about emergencies because the device caters for that. It is always available and reliable. These points are supported by Merrill (2009) who states that the implantable medical ID was designed to provide his identification and adjacent access to his medical history in the take downt of an emergency. Cons The beautiful advantages discussed above notwithstanding, the implantable medical ID come with a number of cons or disadvantages. There are commentators who argue as to whether or not the implantation and its removal themselves do not pose health risks and threats. There are many critics who are of the view that even though it is easier implanting the chip, removing it can be very complicated. John Halamka, MD, CIO at Harvard Medical School and CareGroup in Massachusetts, for event laments that its easy to insert but challenging to remove. I have no plan to have mine removed (Merrill, 2009). The seco nd demerit has to do with the cost involved in
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Waste Management Reseach Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Waste Management Reseach - Research composition ExampleThe disposal of the petroleum should be done in a way least unwholesome to the human and natural environment. The price of the property will depend on the level of environmental degradation, therefore, the much the levels of contamination, the lower the price of the property and the other way round. The existing legislation in the cite regimen where the Brownfield is located should be put into term, to determine the procedure the voluntary buyer will use in getting the property. The client will also need to know the lawful issues that may arise from acquiring such a property, therefore, the services of an environmental lawyer will be come in handy. The attorney will determine whether, in consideration to the current legislation the activities being conducted on the property ar legal or non. This way the reputation of the client will be maintained and any legal issues arising will be anticipated. Before purchasing the pr operty the client needs to get all the permits, licenses and approvals by the owner of the property, on compliance with state and federal government regarding environmental regulations. The documents should also reflect the right hand to be in possession of hazardous materials, and the means of disposal. The client should identify the partnerships that they will engage in and what they intend to set up in the site. Some of the property buildings which may not be in such good shape, therefore the voluntary buying party will need to make a decision whether to demolish or renovate them. A review of all the environmental records will be substantial to determine whether the current holders comply with the set regulations or not. Since the staff and management are not straight forward with their businesses and dealings, the latent buyer will need to use public information on the property. Using the services of the environmental attorney, they should draw up an agreement, to come up wit h compensation mechanisms, just incase an individual or group sues for compensation in future. This may be due to the harm caused by the activities of the premise, before the current owner acquired possession of the property. 2) If your client assumes responsibility for discase up and wants you to head the clean up effort, what are some of your first steps? The voluntary buyer of the bundle of land, together with the buildings, has seen the potential of the property, regardless of the fact that it is contaminated. Clean up exercises when done correctly, have the potential to change the landscape of otherwise unproductive and polluted pieces of property. The benefits of conducting clean up exercises are improved human and environmental health and remuneration margins to the new developer. - The first step will be acquiring more information on the parcel of land for example tax records and the real owners of the land. This step will be crucial putting into consideration that the m anagement and staff in charge of the project were not so forthcoming with details such as existence of petroleum products, something which is very crucial. - The next plan of action will be to cut a contract, which will state clearly the scope of work, important definitions of terms and confidentiality of the terms. This will be important when legal issues arise and one of the parties or a third party decides to go to court. The contract should state clearly how the clean up
Data Rules Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Data Rules Summary - Essay ExampleThe more experienced nurse has intimate decision making resources provided by past experiences and a better ability to recognize patterns based on those experiences. Additionally, the experienced nurse may not experience the emotional barriers arising from fear of making the wrong decision. alarm prevents creative and clear problem solving abilities. One way to hasten the pattern recognition skills that are critical in the clinical decision making process of a novice nurse is to score rules that provide a process of intervention through modeling the situation and potential actions that are outmatch suited to accurately resolve health problems. This modeling is based upon a hypothesis and then a listing of rules that lead to a sequence of decisions to be made accordingly. The model and rules naturally also advertize the novice nurse to anticipate potential corollary problems and prepare by mentally exploring solutionsproactively avoiding or at to the lowest degree mitigating problems.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Personal And Professional Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Personal And Professional Development - match ExampleTrainings, workshops, and observations, in addition to other professional study activities, assistant educators nurture their own teaching skills. This enables new and veteran teachers alike to be able to take their teaching to an totally new level. Professional development involves not only the learning of new instructional methodologies and strategies, but they in addition enable individuals to keep up to date with new technology that can be effectively utilise into todays modern classroom. In todays rapidly advancing and globally advancing world, it is more grievous than ever that teachers today strive to grow professionally in their own right, so that they can foster the continued growth of their own students as well. 2. Learning-Environment Observation Studies Gaining the confidence required to be an effective teacher can often come by observing others in action. In so doing, the mentality shifts from one of trepidat ion to one of accomplishment. As we see others performing duties well, we begin to feel that we can do the same. This involves observing multiple disciplines to gain a steady overview well-nigh the teaching styles evident in the classroom that both promote and foster an environment conducive to the learning process. It is also important to observe others as a means of teacher development. Rossner (1992) argues that, Teacher development is not just to do with language or even teaching its also about language development, counselling skills, assertiveness upbringing, confidence building, computing, meditation, cultural broadening almost anything in fact (p. 4). precept is about much more than communicating facts and figures to young lot. It is... This report stresses that professional development can help a new teacher grow in his or her abilities, in addition to leading to an add-on in self-confidence. As a new educator in the second year of a teacher-training program, it is impo rtant to understand this process begins now. The prospect of entering a class of bright, young, and energetic students without any proper training or observations under my belt would be quite frightening indeed. This paper makes a conclusion that as has been demonstrated to this point, this module has instilled in this student the importance that personal and professional development has on the manner of an educator. Teachers must be willing to constantly grow into their profession. New teachers have the responsibility to observe, learn theory, give methodologies, and adapt to an increasingly technological and globally connected world. Teaching is a serious profession. Young people only possess a limited amount of time to acquire all of the skills and training that are necessary for themselves to enter into society as productive members, so teachers must work hard to experience that this transition is as effective as possible. This begins with a thorough understanding of what it takes to be an educator, transcends into the role of exponent and mediator, and continues to the role of life-long learning. In the end, teaching is a most rewarding profession, but also one that requires a great deal of foresight and perseverance.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Critical summaries (language, culture& society) (langustics Essay
Critical summaries (language, culture& society) (langustics department) - Essay Example starting from 60s, researchers indicated inequalities among students who attend Universities. At that time 80% were white students and only 10% were black students (Francis, Kelly and Bell, 1994). The main focus on of this expression is the role linguistic speech commands play in students performance. Bernstein differentiates between restricted speech code of low class of students and elaborated code which refers to students from higher class. Thus, a set of words used by the latter group of students is more flexible and meets the requirements of academic education. A further discussion refers to Deconstruction theory, which relates texts of the manhood as being reflected in our consciousness. The authors of the article make an attempt to argue to the existent scientific enactment of approaches to relation of students performance and language codes. They claim about a essential to develop he terogeneous students organic structure set in the limits of peoples history and experience situated in geography of other identities, peoples, cultures, and then to canvass how, despite their differences, they have overlapped one another, and are mixed together (Francis, Kelly and Bell, 1994). This article is a modern status on pedagogical challenge on a new role language plays in the education process. It is not an indicator of socio-cultural differences, but a facilitator to overcome these differences and to integrate them. Language and development In the article Model Standards for side of meat Language Development National trends and a Local Response by Terrence G. Wiley and Elizabeth Hartung-Cole, latest tendencies in English learning for non- inseparable speakers of English are discussed. On the one hand, English standards certain on the international level take into account the issue of language diversity. On the other hand, this is not abundant and it is relevant to d evelop standards especially for non-native speakers of English. The issue of what language standard really means has been discussed by researchers for a long period of time. Nevertheless, a crucial importance of language standard cant be questioned. The authors introduce a concept of over-prespecification between the curriculum and learning process (Wiley and Hartung-Cole, 2002). This concept implies a necessity to take into account external knowledge and abilities of students. Current development of English standard should be conducted in a socio-cultural context. Therefore, the authors agree with the fact that administrative training of teachers and gaining proper background knowledge about non-native speakers of English are crucial for further development of English standards on national and on local levels. not individual students and the level of their performance should be concernd, but heterogeneous body of students. These tendencies are caused by the military personnels ten dencies for globalization and overall integration. Consequently, it is relevant to develop universal model standard efficient for native and non-native speakers of English. Multilingualism and Bilingualism The article Bilingualism, Cultural Transmutation, and Fields of Coexistence Californias Spanish Language Legacy by Sara Garcia is of high relevance nowadays. contrary nations tend to integration and successful coexistence. On the example of English Only programs in California a national attitude to bilinguals in America is discussed. A language behavior of Spanish/English bilinguals is developed under the
Monday, April 22, 2019
Inquiry 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Inquiry 3 - Essay ExampleI worked in the Treasury department which was a division of the pay wing of the physical composition. Like any other organization, there were diverse cultures, races, beliefs and races, who worked in the organization. During my internship, I was afforded the chance to interact with a host of different people, with different views on life and the way the organization should be run.I had both bad and good experiences but I dont theorize I will be able to forget my first day. Since it is a local bank, my internship was not simply accorded to me through the proper channels. In fact, I think the main reason that I was given the opportunity, in spite of my impressive donnish achievements, was the fact that my father previously worked as the branch manager of that branch and dummy up had some contacts in the organization. Anyway, the world is run on strong social contacts and I guess I had that as an advantage. At the back of my mind, I view that the internsh ip would be a casual affair with no need for formal attire. Therefore on my first day, I showed up at work in a semi-formal fashion, no tie and no coat and you can imagine the surprise on the security guards face when I told him I was an employee. He must have thought I was a visitor or the son of one of the employees in the branch.At the entrance of the Finance division, I was ushered into a cubicle with two short African American gentlemen, who quietenly enquired about my academic performance, my social lifestyle and gave me a quick orientation regarding the workings of the organization. They were very helpful and very friendly, with calm reassuring demeanors which I frankly found to be zero similar to the stereotypes of African Americans, which perceives them as macrocosm loud and aggressive. They even jokingly warned me to look out for certain people who they quoted as being nothing but trouble. I could tell that they were the jokers of the office due to the informal set up o f the
Sunday, April 21, 2019
IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY THROUGH PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS (CPM, ASPA, TCMA, IG, ETC.) - explore Paper ExampleIncreasing mathematical productivity does not merely mean to give the output or product in the industry in a very minute time rather it is the collecting of number of quantitative and qualitative determinants which ensure the productivity. The first determinant to measure the productivity is the look of the product that is produced by the work force. If the requirements of the customers are being met in the optimal way and the satisfaction graph of the customer is increasing then definitely the work force, machinery and managerial group of that judicature will be called as productive (Bradford, 1997). Increasing productivity through captain organization has been an emerging phenomenon of the present time as every organization cannot sort out the way to ensure the increase of productivity within or outside the premises of the work place. There are certain factors which ha ve to be analyzed forward to the start of the process of increasing and augmenting productivity. The Professional associations make sure that the productivity factors are increased agree to the demand and needs of the customers and the peculiar requirement analysis is done in order to fulfill the requirements of the organization and individuals (Alchian & Demsetz, 1972). The productivity factor largely depends upon the input given at the start. The input can be in the form of hired workforce, raw materials and hardware. The professional associations make sure that the productivity is increase by taking the perspective of the ratio and proportion of the input and output terms so that the efficiency also live the focus of the organization. For example if the firm will produce the output of a very not bad(predicate) quality within very less time then no doubt the productivity will say to be greater in the acute terms but the fact of the matter is that the efficiency is diminish because there is not inculcation of the cost effectiveness of the company and the company will shut ware within a very less time frame. The productivity has to incur the production cost and the budgeting factors of the locality. The professional associations take all the stakeholders on board in order to make sure that no troupe is outside the hierarchical structure so that the productivity can be increase in a very effective and nominal way. There is a diverse choice of productivity increasing options in the modern world because the professional organizations are being deployed by almost every organization of good repute. One of the most acclaimed and renowned professional associations that are known for their great performance in component to increase productivity of organizations and individuals are American society of administrative professionals (ASAP). This association helps the individuals and organization to work on different aspect of the professional and social life to increase and improve the productivity. As far as the professional services are concerned they conduct different training programs, webinars, workshops and seminars in order to make grow people about nurturing their skills and building interpersonal relationships so that the
Saturday, April 20, 2019
The English Barrier Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The side of meat Barrier - Essay ExampleDue to this the import of immigrants is a contributing means is a heavy offset. Therefore, near perfect accents will be very necessary for a non-native speaker unit to focus on work-related dealings. Similarly due to the internet burst, business dealing have to a fault been brought to stars home, free video calling and voice chats now mean that save emails will non be the form of business meetings, hence the need of speak the language well. All of these factors coupled with much are explicitly explained in this research paper, joined along with somebodyal opinion on the termination (Exforsys Inc, 2007). THESIS Before an opinion is laid out that whether it is necessary to have perfection in speaking of the English language, especially when the person learning will have to deal with people who are also speaking English as a non-native language, wizard has to skim through the modestnesss for learning English as a secondary language. T he first and foremost being that of getting a job in an English speaking country, also if your interaction is with people who have English as their mother play. The second reason being that of working in an environment where English dominates the working culture even if the mother tongue is not English. Also, the fact cannot be negated that most of the business done in any part of the founding has something to do with countries other than yours, therefore a common language for correspondence is more often than not English and hence the need to learn the language is necessary. Similarly as mentioned before, the advent of technology has ensured that English governs the world as no other language ever has done in the history of mankind. many experts go on record to claim that this is now the king of languages, and may never be dethroned. near cynics also foresee it as not the case, since some major socio-political issues in the world may hold up a universal language excess. All t hese factors aside, the use of English language for the common man is luxuriant turning out to be the tool needed for making big bucks in this ever drowning thriftiness of the world (Mydans, 2007). OPINION There are always two faces to a coin, both opposite and all told different. Similarly this topic constitutes a debate about the proficiency of oral English, especially when the people one has to talk to are not well versed with the English language. Many people think that it is unnecessary for a person to be proficient in English speaking skills as there is no such need for them when conversing or corresponding with a person whose native language is not English. I tend to disagree with the hypothesis. There are many reasons to my biasness with this topic. First of them being, the level of professionalism is a key factor in inducing people to do work or business with you. An aura of professionalism oozes out for the person in front of you to see and admire. Such will be the effec t that half your problems will be solved. Another major issue that is solved when one is proficient in speaking English is that at times, is very unfamiliar with the language, as it is his second language. Therefore one has to change gears in his vocabulary to fix to a lower level, this feat can only be performed if you are well-versed in the language, not only in reading and writing but also in speaking. Many people take skinny
Friday, April 19, 2019
The Managemetn and Control of Quality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Managemetn and Control of Quality - Essay ExampleA company can improve its silver inflow in the form of profits if Six Sigma is deployed systematically and in right aras. The Six Sigma experts perpetually work on reducing the defects in order to reach a situation of zero defects in an organization. Six Sigma is applied in an organization in two methods, the DMAIC (Define, Measure, hit the books, Improve and Control) and the DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify) methods. The Six Sigma DMADV nest focuses on the process redesign based on the short falls. The DMADV technique works by developing contrary alternative models for quality improvement. The DMAIC technique focuses on process improvement in an organization. The DMAIC technique is utilize in an organization to rejuvenate the least readyive process and product. This is focused on improving the future feat on making sufficient improvement in the watercourse activity level. Six Sigma is an improvement that is used in all sorts of business and other production areas where quality improvement is needed.The quality of the Six Sigma approach has made many business entities including GE implement the process. This process includes Define the problem, Measure what you care about, Analyze or Statistically find root causes, Improve or Mobilize change initiatives, and Control or Sustain improvements (DMAIC). In the first manakin, teams aim to identify the problems that are related to the business and business satisfaction. Efforts are taken to relate the customer issues with the general business process by the factors of CTQ. In order to stomach the total result of the process the team establishes project charters, identifies the required resources, and finds the leadership approvals. In the next phase the team identifies the deficiencies of the current process and takes remedial measures. A good understanding of the customer expectations is made come-at-able to establish the out of specif ication conditions. The characteristic feature of the Six Sigma process of GE is that even the beginners are able to meet the challenges of acquiring the concepts and that the time required for complex calculations is made the minimum possible. In the third phase, the root causes of the present defects are identified by the analysis based on which prioritized list of factors influencing the judge result is prepared. For this, various tools like multivariate analysis, test for normality, ANOVA, correlation, and regression etc are made use as the tools. In the next phase, teams seek out best possible solution and build up a plan action to implement the solution. On the basis of the test to confirm the solution, the process is modified and the effect of the result is analyzed. In the final stage, control charting techniques are used in order to improve the current measures. The measures adopted in this stage help to check the possible recurring of the problems. In this stage the appro ach leads to long term payoffs in quality and monetary terms. The GE employees are trained effectively in this process and the teams are able to check the business problems applying the concepts of the program to the problem. The competency level that starts from Green Belts is
Globalization and the State. Discuss Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Globalization and the State. Discuss - Essay ExampleCompanies which grew their subsidiaries in different countries and continents found themselves in a unique situation of transcending those states where they had a presence. As globalisation become more prevalent, states find themselves unable to compel sovereign power that is suppresent to be absolute, supreme and unlimited instead, in the name of economic progress, states work learnt to negotiate, compromise, and in some extreme cases, capitulate before the large MNCs. globalization challenges the traditional link amidst constitutionalism and the state, and elevates constitutionalism to a transnational context (Anderson 2012). The purpose of this brief discussion is to cursorily explore the various issues posed by globalisation and how in response to them the nation-state has evolved, as embodied in the academic literature subsisting to date. The topic will cover the political, economic and legal moments of globalisation upon the state, and how the concept of statehood is being reinvented and redefined to adjust to the youthful phenomenon of modern globalisation. Dimensions of Globalisation Ewoh, Matei and Matei (2013) distinguished among three dimensions of globalisation economic, political and social globalisation. ... Of particular interest in the investigation was the link between corruption and globalisation. In this empirical study, a direct correlation was found to exist between political globalisation, stability and impact of the anti-corruption strategies put to effect in states. The most tidy influences on political globalisation are related primarily to political stability, and secondarily to anti-corruption strategies. These findings indicate that the great the degree of political globalisation of the state, the less probably it is subject to corruption. Globalisation and the Perfect Market Globalisation requires deregulation, but deregulation of the markets is premised on the condition that perfect market opportunities are present this means accomplish transparency, complete information available to all players, transaction costs are zero, and the market is therefore efficient. It is tumefy known, however, that markets are in reality inefficient, so deregulating the markets will be done without the assurance of easy market conditions. The study by Prentis (2012) proved empirically that deregulating stock markets (and it assumed any sell market), particularly as a measure leading to globalisation, can actually hinder rather than serve in returning stability to the markets. The findings of this study relate political ideology of the state to the level of its globalisation. The implication of a national economy that participates more fully in globalisation is that it tends to be more competitive, with greater openness to the free market forces conversely, the less globalised a nations economy is, the more likely it is to be a
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Fox News Cable Network Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
disconcert intelligence agency Cable net Analysis - Case Study ExampleThe case study Fox News Cable engagement Analysis talks about the Fox News Cable Network, a general news ancestry network channel that broadcasts news events and is focused on business and fiscal news. By 2011, Fox News increased the use of interaction components in its broadcasting but was still not at tally with its competitors much(prenominal) as CNN. As a resolving strategy, by 2011, Fox News focused on business and financial new as a manner to gain numbers. In addition to that, Fox News also incorporated financial news channels, although its competitors such as CNBC maintained their standards to still extend the better rivals in the cable network industry. Fox News came as a business auto-changer when they entered the cable news network scene, their aim was to redefine business news for Americans who were faced with troublesome financial decisions this is the gap that Fox business Network came into th e market to fill. In addition to that, Chris Roush, a renowned professor in the field of journalism at the University of North Carolina added that Fox Business News intended to range Middle America. This involved people who are majorly faced with issues such as saving money or even the knowledge on market trends and which is the best and right time to partake investments. They intend to keister Middle America, said Chris Roush. The format that Fox News uses is also multidimensional. They focus on aspects of news such as hot seat debates, talk shows and political news, financial and also journalism news.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Brand Management Assignment2 Managing Price Discounting and its Essay
Brand focus Assignment2 Managing Price Discounting and its possible impact on Brand Equity - Essay ExamplePrice is the grammatical constituent of the marketing incorporate that has been subjected to the most intensive analysis -- particularly by economists. But as an sight of the mix, it cannot be divorced from other ingredients. It must incorporate and reflect them. Optimal impairments cannot be established, and price body an art with a host of factors to be evaluated for which there are no precise measures and weights.Price discounting is the master(prenominal) strategy used by managers to attract customers and popularize a product. Consumers do not respond to determine discount alone they respond to value. A lower price does not necessarily mean spread out sales. Moreover, marketing activities influence price. For example, governmental agencies have investigated advertising as a cause of higher prices. In microeconomic theory it has received great attention in marketing, the significance of price varies among industries, competitive situations, and products (Baker, 2006). set is significant where the market impact, profit results, or both, of price variations is great, and where firms have considerable discretion over the prices charged. In many instances pricing decisions are severely constrained and are sometimes relatively unimportant. Large purchasers of industrial goods, for instance, may specify prices at which they will buy, determine product specifications, and send specifications to suppliers for competitive bids (Philips, 2005). For other products price may not be a relevant factor. In some technical areas where products require more than research and development and involve much question, a cost-plus scheme may be used. In other situations, sellers may be almost completely free to set prices, while in inactive others, they may only be able to decide whether or not to sell at a price. In an deliverance of scarcity, price is accorded m ore attention than any other marketing factor. In an economy of abundance, non-price factors assume increasing marketing importance and products are differentiated on other bases than price (Marn et al 2004). Price Discounts and Marketing ObjectivesThe main considerations for pricing discounts decisions involve market objectives and organizational considerations, costs and marketing mix strategies. Also, it is important to take into account market demands and psychographic characteristics of the target audience, competitors prices and market position of the company. Pricing is a splendid and complex decision area affecting sales, costs, and profits for both industrial and consumer goods. For consumers, price reductions and increases have emblematical meanings. A customer may associate a price reduction with a reduction in quality, the anticipation of new models, or even lower prices or poor market acceptance (Philips, 2005). higher(prenominal) prices may indicate better quality, a good image, and good value. Customer perceptions of price are important. Whereas pricing is usually perceived as a short-run action, its implications can be long-run, even to the point of cause industry structures. Markets that may be viewed as systems of information on cost and demand determine the correctness of prices (Marn et al 2004). They contain signals that businessmen must decode. But market information is ambiguous, fragmentary, and imperfect it contains much uncertainty and is interpreted differently by various executives. To those who can read the signals properly, increased
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Toyota Case study Essay Example for Free
Toyota Case study EssayJalopnikThe crisis Toyota recalled a total of 8.8 million vehicles for arctic defects, including a business where the cars accelerator would jam, which caused multiple deaths. How Toyota responded Toyota initially couldnt figure out the exact problem, but it sent out PR teams to try and stop the media backlash anyway. The upper management was invisible in the early stages of the crisis, skewing public percept further against the company. Toyotas response was slow, with devastating results. But it served as a wake-up call for the company, which somehow turned it slightly in the months following the debacle. The company failed miserably in its initial crisis management, but thats what makes Toyotas case so intriguing. notwithstanding its monumental mistakes early on, Toyota still bounced back. Why? It didnt take long for the public to remember Toyotas previously star(p) reputation. The company offered extended warranties and pumped up marketing, leveragi ng its long-term track record and reassuring consumers well-nigh safety. Its ads in the following months were more thoughtful and sincere, showing the companys dedication to fixing the problem. Toyotas executives especially in the US became more visible, speaking to the media and becoming active in the investigations.The result The Toyota brand showcased its resiliency, with its positive reputation create up over decades of good performance. The company leveraged this, focusing its marketing once again on safety and its proven track record. It had to show that this disaster including its own horrible mishandling of the situation was an aberration. And it worked, with a little turn of events a of luck. NASA exonerated Toyota of the blame for most of the accidents in 2011 and the companys brand equity leapt 11% this year, according to WPP.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Suffering from depression Essay Example for Free
Suffering from depression judgeIn one of the first workshops we initially produced a brainstorm of ideas as to wherefore people whitethorn be institutionalised. Below I have listed a selection of illnesses which were brainstormed.Medication non-compliance Not following preaching and/or non taking medications as prescribed.Cognitive impairment Defined as unusually abject mental function, associated with confusion, forgetfulness and difficultyDepression A psychiatric disorder showing symptoms such as firm feelings of hopelessness, dejection, poor concentration, lack of energy, inability to sleep, and, sometimes, suicidal tendenciesIncontinence Often used to refer to a missing in moderation or self-control, especially related to sexual desire. Everyone worked in pairs where one of us had been sit into the institution by the other. Holly and I worked together, we decided I would be the character in the institution and I was then hot-seated. I decided I was a thirty-five year old woman who had been left(p) by her husband and as a result of this, tragically suffering from depression. As a experience to helping me herself, Holly carelessly decided it was best to leave me in an institution, not knowing this sudden throw in surroundings, faces and routine would in fact provoke my illness, leaving me worse than before.When brainstorming ideas as to why people may be institutionalised, depression seemed an obvious and popular idea. This influenced my reasons for rendering my character depressed. After we were hot-seated our instructor asked us questions about the characters we had created, I prove the hot-seating helped tremendously when trying to insure and form my character, thus making it easier to answer questions about her. As I was able to understand my character with the hot-seating, I found I was able to form a deeper connection with her I recalld this would significantly help my portrayal when playing her character.We then created a duologue. This helped me further develop my character as it allowed me to see how she reacted when left face-to-face with Holly, through improvisation. It was clear from our characters opposing behavior towards one another that our relationship had been damaged due to the institution. Not single had my condition worsened but Hollys cold nature penetrated the already bad atmosphere between us making everything to a greater extent awkward.Holly visits the institution to see if my condition has improved. This is the first time in devil geezerhood she has visited and my hostile behavior towards her shows I am affected by her lack of visits.When she enters my room I am sitting in the corner, dribbling, rocking and the lights are off she is horrified my depression has worsened and tries to leave immediately. Quickly I get up and run to the door, barricading it. I ask her why she typeset me here and left me for two years, followed by my monologue. In reply to this Holly performs her monologue e xplaining my depression was affecting her and everyone around me. Furiously, Holly pushes me aside and runs out of door, I am left crying on the floor in a ball, screaming and shouting why did you do this to me, scene cuts here.FINAL PERFORMANCEI found the final performance ran successfully, Holly and I remembered our lines and our set directions this, I thought, played a big part in the overall success of our performance. I believe my character came across well to the audience as the general feedback was positive- this showed the audience was able to identify with and understand my characters feelings and difficulties. Although the majority of the performance went well I, however, believe there is always room for improvement.Holly and I could have collective a flash back at the beginning of the scene, showing the audience the day I was put into the institution. I think this may have furthered the audiences understanding of my character and make the fact my condition had not impro ved clearer. This would not have only benefited the audience, but myself. By developing the scene in this way, I would have been able to also develop my character further on a whole, learning more about her.
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